we were going to post this on monday morning, but we were too tired and had other stuff to do :P
so here we are writing it two days after the actual concert.
anyway...the concert was on sunday the 6th. it was about a 45 minuite drive from cape town, but it took us FIVE hours because of all the traffic. there were four of us sitting in the boot of my dads land rover in this terrible traffic, and with this drenching heat. at times wejust wanted to get out the car and walk. after a while i got so pissed off with the heat and all, i went to lay down on the roof of the car...thats how slow the traffic was.
Zebra and Giraffe was the opening act for the killers, but because of the bloody traffic we only heard one song, but it was all worth it.
we were all starving! so we got this funky greek thing which burnt the crap out of my mouth. so we just decided to get a boerewors roll :)
we had some time before the concert started, so we went to the shop and we all got the killers t-shirs...exept for me...i got zebra and giraffe ^^
finally the killers came on, it was absolutely incredible! the main singer wore that jacket he wore in "human" music video. i think the best jam was "
mr brightside" everyone went completely ape shit when they played it. it was amaing.
when the concert came to an end, as they were playing the last song a whole lot of confetti fell from the sky. it was so sick.
evryone wasscreaming for an "encore" or whatever you call it, so the band came out for one last song.
we all walked back to the car, and the traffic back was so bad, we literally did not move once in 2 hours. no lies. all my friends fell asleep. but i was a bit to pumped up.
we got home at about half past one, and just crashed down.
but it was definately one hell of a great night :)